LED strip lights are probably the most creative and versatile type of light bulbs or lighting solution for domestic and commercial applications. An effortless way to provide a glow in spaces such as kitchen cabinets, worktops, around dropped ceilings, under staircases, inside shelves, and backlighting walls or TVs. You can be as innovative as you like with LED strip lights!
Our range of LED strip lights comes with convenient self-adhesive backing and is pre-wired for quick and easy installation. They can be installed indoor and outdoor depending on their ingress protection rating.
Shop our led lights online, an inexpensive and easy way to instantly change the look and atmosphere of a setting. Our range includes light fittings in various colour temperatures. Read more about how to pick the right colour temperature for you here.
The addition of LED bulbs in any room will bring it to life and can also come as LED Ceiling lights or LED wall lights depending on where you are going to have them. Whatever the situation or room there will definitely be an LED bulb to suit your need. Take a look at our range below.
LED light fittings are extremely energy efficient, allowing end users to save up to 90% on their electricity bills. 95% of the energy is converted into light with only 5% wasted on heat.
2.How long do LED fittings last?
LED bulbs have a long-expected lifespan ranging from 50,000 – 100,000 hours, lasting approximately 25 times longer than standard bulbs
3.Are LEDs Eco-Friendly?
Yes, LEDs are eco-friendly, producing 4 tons less carbon dioxide (CO2) in comparison to incandescent bulbs. Also, there is no mercury or other hazardous substances.
4.What is CRI?
CRI is an abbreviation for Colour Rendering Index. This is a measurement of how colours look under a light source. The index is measured from 0-100. Anything above 90 is considered excellent. LEDs typically range from 70-95. The higher the Colour Rendering Index, the more expensive the LED chip will be.
5.Do LEDs contain mercury or other hazardous substances?
No, LEDs do not contain mercury or other hazardous substances. They are a very eco-friendly lighting solution.
6.Are LED bulbs expensive?
LED fittings have a higher upfront cost; however, the fittings quickly pay for themselves in energy costs.
7.What LED bulb is the equivalent to a 100W?
For a 100W incandescent bulb, the LED equivalent is 10W, providing the same light output but requiring less power.
8.When I buy LED, should I buy based on lumens or wattage?
You should always base your purchasing decision on lumens. The wattage of a fitting refers to the power that is required by the fitting to produce the light. LED technologies are extremely high performing, as they can produce a high lumen output against a low wattage. For example, a 10W LED bulb can produce the same lumen output as a 100W incandescent bulb.
9.What are the main benefits of LED lighting?
Immediate savings on your electricity bills
Less maintenance costs due to their long-expected lifespan